Monday, April 27, 2009

Complete Project / FYP / RCBA Report


Download PDF Sample

Hay! Students…. Now its time to give complete Real Time Collaborative Business Application (RCBA) report.

Due to heave file size in MS.Word Format PDF file is uploaded if you need .docx File please email me. It would be honor for me to help you.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Project Design Specification

 Download PDF Sample

Design specifications, like blueprints, provide detailed guidance on what the project outputs will look like and how they will be expected to perform. The key difference is that design specifications provide that guidance through the written word, coupled with graphics and drawings, whereas blueprints are strictly graphic in nature.

The purpose is to provide clear direction to the project organization on what the final outputs of the project must look like and the tolerances and standards those outputs must meet.

Here is Sample for you of my Final Year Project.

Project Requirement Analysis


Download File (MS Word 2007)

Requirements analysis in systems engineering and software engineering, encompasses those tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or altered product, taking account of the possibly conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders, such as beneficiaries or users.

Requirements analysis is critical to the success of a development project. Requirements must be actionable, measurable, testable, related to identified business needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail sufficient for system design.

Hay friends here is my RCBA(Real Time Collaborative Business Application) sample file for your assistant.

jQuery HowTo's |How to get started

 e-Book (Learning jQuery 1.3 Paperback)

Starting with jQuery needs three basic steps:

  1. First, download jQuery and store it in a location your web page can access. Download the latest version here.
  2. Include jQuery into your HTML page.
  3. Make use of jQuery's functionality.

A sample web page might look something like this:

title>My first jQuery</title>

script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/jquery.1.2.1.pack.js"></script>

script type="text/javascript">
//this is jQuery code
$(document).ready(function () {
alert("I came from jQuery!");

jQuery sample</h2>


The jQuery code you decide to use depends on your needs. The rest of the How-To's on this page help to highlight what can be done. These are more simplistic examples though. Please visit the jQuery documentation or the jQuery mailing list for more details. The more advanced things you see jQuery do are usually a combination of the basics though.

A note about the different jQuery files.

jQuery tries to accomodate all types of developers. Those who want to get their hands dirty and explore jQuery's inner workings should download the uncompressed version of the jQuery library. All others probably want to use the packed version as this has the smallest footprint that is supported by all browsers. The packed version removes all extra spaces and comments to compress the library, and then encodes it to make it even smaller. The minified version of the library does the same, except it does not encode it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Blog This for Firefox 3.0

Since the first release of Windows Live Writer, we’ve had a Blog This add-on for Firefox. Currently it’s marked as compatible with Firefox 1.5-2.0, which means beta versions of Firefox 3 won’t load it. Turns out it works fine with Firefox 3 as well, if you mark it as such:

  1. Start Notepad
  2. Open this file:
    C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Writer\BlogThis\Mozilla Firefox\install.rdf
  3. Change the line
  4. Rename install.rdf to install.rdf.gone
  5. Exit Firefox, if it’s running
  6. Start Firefox
  7. Exit Firefox
  8. Rename install.rdf.gone back to install.rdf
  9. Start Firefox

(Steps 4-9 are necessary to get Firefox to pick up the changes in install.rdf.)

When we get the chance, we’ll update the add-on so this isn’t necessary.

If you encounter any problems using Blog This with Firefox 3, please let me know in the comments.


e-Book (Learning jQuery 1.3 Paperback)

jQuery is great in many ways. You probably first heard about the framework when browsing through a showcase of beautiful “ajax” scripts and became impressed with how easy it can be used to create advanced and delightful effects. But jQuery is much more than that. After you’ve seen all the fancy slides and animations and got to know the framework, you realize that it can do much more to assist you in building advanced, content-driven web sites and applications.

Here is a hand-picked list of useful jQuery scripts and utilities, created to make your web development easier. You won’t find any fancy slides or animations in here, instead I have compiled a list of the best, most well-written and useful jQuery components on the web that I would use myself.
Am I missing something? Let me know in the comments.